L.A. Skyscraper Graffiti Template - 3D

L.A. Skyscraper Graffiti Template - 3D
You heard about these famous graffiti skyscraper in Los Angeles, did’t you? We designed 2 building towers to paint graffiti on them to have fun with similar look. Hit every floor!
L.A. Skyscraper graffiti template pack contains 3 models. Double tower complex and 2 single models of same complex. Due to huge number of details and complexity of the models, files are slightly heavier than our previous models, and resolution is slightly lower in some low resolution files. Also some technical bugs on Procreate app can cause some repeating in painting, so don’t forget to open new layer for each part to be able to clean errors and keep the original file clean.
We recommend to use Spray Brushes or some airbrush brushes to have better results on lower resolutions. Templates work only on Procreate App.
Pack comes with Limited Commercial License.
- You can use our Procreate templates for your end product (design or physical product) up to 500 pieces.
- Using our products in website, applications, developments or video game is prohibited with any modification or change.
- End product or design should be significally different than our product.
- Resell, distribution or public sharing is strictly prohibited even in another file formats or views. You can share your works on it on your social media.
- You can’t copy or distribute our products to allow someone else to use it. All products are licensed only for 1 person or device to use.You will receive a PDF file after your purchase, go to link in PDF file to download your models.
Please contact us if you have any problem.